
Showing posts from August, 2024

BB Live Feeds - August 29th to September 1st...

 My God, it's Labor Day already.

Big Brother Watch Party - Thursday August 29th 2024

 Who will get booted tonight? And we're LIVE!!! The announcer points out that Angela actually did more instigating than Tucker who was the official AI Instigator. We return to the end of the Veto Meeting for TEARS!  (Guess who...) Tucker is upset with T'Kor for not consulting him about the Angela decision after he gave her $5000 during the veto comp. Angela gives a speech about how unique Tucker is and exposes their conversations.  She claims to have played the "most honest game".  Yes, if honest is a synonym for emotional and bat shit crazy. She calls out Quinn for exposes Angela's conversation with him about booting Tucker. She starts emotional but calm and then becomes very bitter and angry as her speech goes on. Angela essentially exposes 6th Avenue which earns her exactly zero friends or allies. She's really not good at this game. Tucker continues to mostly just instigate Rubina this week.  He tells her he's trying to decide "if this is real...

Big Brother Watch Party - Wednesday August 28th 2024

 We get our usual recap.  Bottom line: Tucker, Makensy and Cam are on the block. Oh, and it's a SPECIAL 2 HOUR BIG BROTHER!  [I'm not going to make it.  I have things to do.] Makensy tells us she's going "to go out there and win the veto..."  Makensy, I love you.  But you are on the block almost every week.  Every week you tell us you're going to win the veto.  And you never win anything.  

BB Live Feeds 8/25 to 8/28

 Don't tell me anything...

Big Brother Watch Party - Sunday August 25th 2024

 Who is The Instigator? Tune in to find out. And again, we're running late.  I'll live blog it as long as I can, but I have classes starting tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. says 9:30 p.m. EDT When last we met, Brooklyn was ejected and The Pentagon was in tatters.  Thank God there are 37 other alliances to keep everyone safe    in jeopardy. Absolutely EVERYONE tells us how important this HOH is to them.   Makensy has no is that possible in the House of Many Alliances?  Then again, I'm the only one here at the Watch Party.  Shout out to Makensy: do you want to be my friend?  Oh, wait, it's Leah who likes the Dad bods.  HEY LEAH, marry me! The HOH comp is called "strange sounds".  The HGs watch videos with enhanced sounds: someone shaving, someone crunching a chip, someone brushing their teeth, etc.  They then answer a bunch of True/False questions related to the videos. It goes very quickly with ...

Big Brother Watch Party - Thursday August 22, 2024

 Will Quinn and Tucker become the Dynamic Duo?  If they do, which one is Batman and which one is Robin?   Julie and the Announcer make fun of The Pentagon.  Julie reminds us that they were "once a power alliance" but after tonight "all they'll be is one member fewer". We then get the recap where we see, again, what we saw last night.  Net result: Cam, Chelsie and Brooklyn are on the block. And now we're live with Julie.  "It is Day 38..."  Tucker has 6 victories in the last 10 comps he entered. The BB AAI Arena is, however, beyond Tucker's control.  After Tucker "blew up another Veto meeting..." it left the three nominees "scrambling to save their games". Tucker manages to tell us what he's thinking without strutting.  He must be sick. Chelsie campaigns with Quinn.  Quinn makes nice but says he's afraid of her coming after him. Brooklyn politics Tucker.  So far, Brooklyn is doing more strutting than Tucker on the sho...

BB Live Feeds 8/22 through 8/25

 Watch Tucker win 3 more comps...

Big Brother Watch Party August 21st

 I'll try to live stream it, but it will be a little awkward tonight. When last we met, The Pentagon was being decimated by The Assassins turning on them to form the Tanks which then became Sixth Avenue. Tucker had nominated 3 of the 4 remaining Pentagon members: Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn.  He assured us that he was actually going after Brooklyn even though, oddly, Brooklyn was the only one who told him the truth in their one-on-one meetings. We are promised a "another SHOCKING VETO MEETING..."  We'll see. Tucker has assured Quinn that he is not the target.  He tells us in the DR that he wants to keep Quinn, maybe save him with the veto, in hopes that Quinn won't try to backdoor him later.  Quinn correctly surmises that if he actually isn't the target, that Brooklyn probably is. Angela is mad at Brooklyn.  Angela is a Have Not due to being 2nd off the wall.  Brooklyn decided she would take the opportunity to eat Angela's charcuterie HOH tray from last we...

Big Brother Watch Party - Sunday August 18th 2024

 More shenanigans in the House that Never Sleeps... We're actually on time this week!  Thank you CBS.  Some of us like to get to bed at a reasonable time. Previously on BB...Quinn had the power for the week.  [That didn't go well...] We get all the Tucker highlights and watch the Pentagon collapse which causes the Collective to collapse Tucker a clear path to the Final 2???? We watch T'Kor and Kimo blow up their alliance and "flip the house". Cedric goes bye-bye again... Tonight we see "the chaos" that ensued after Cedric's eviction.  We also have an HOH and a nominations ceremony.  We shouldn't be bored for the next hour. Quinn is in tears right after Cedric leaves.  Quinn feels responsible for blowing up the Collective and sending Cedric home. Brooklyn says she looks bad because T'Kor and Kimo are "playing both sides of the house".  We see a replay of Brooklyn telling Rubina that the house is voting her out.  Poor Br...

Live Feed Updates - August 18th to August 21st

keep it down in here...

Live Feed Updates - 8/15 to 8/18

Big Brother Watch Party - Thursday 8/15/2024

 Time to cull the herd... And WE'RE LIVE for the eviction. We get the obligatory summary of the week.  End result: Makensy, Rubina, and Cedric are currently on the block...and Tucker is still a cocky ass.  ;) We have the "AI Arena" coming up.  And don't forget, we have the "AI Instigator" twist to be announced. It's Day 31...where does the time go? The 8 person "Collective" could run the House, Julie tells us.  But are they really together, she asks. Quinn doesn't want to flip on the Collective until Tucker is gone.  Kimo, on the other hand, thinks he's at the bottom of the alliance and considers the advantage of flipping on Cedric to weaken the Collective. Tucker and Kimo are coaching Rubina.  Rubina thinks she has an alliance with T'Kor, Brooklyn, Kimo and Tucker in the "Five Pointz" alliance.  Of course, that alliance also overlaps The Collective and The Visionaries and The Pentagon.  [I still need a storyboard.] Angela...

Live Feed Updates - August 4th

Big Brother Watch Party - August 14 2024

 Hopefully we won't be delayed 2 hours tonight... Did anyone catch the special yesterday? We get the update.  It's all about Quinn's power and Tucker's agitating...which admittedly is the biggest dynamic lately. Angela wins her SECOND HOH!!!  AND SHE'S SO EXCITED!!! Silly Cedric volunteers to go on the block even though he doesn't want to be a pawn...then don't do it. We have the "deep fake" Angela.  That's really not much of a fake out when everyone knows it's not actually her. TONIGHT, the Power of Veto is on the line and TUCKER IS (allegedly) ON THE LINE! I kind of want Tucker to go this week.  He's just been way too cocky.  On the other hand, the rest of them are pretty boring at this point.  So....I really don't care.  LOL. Tucker, Cedric and Makensy are on the block.  Quinn tells us that Tucker is his actual target.  He feels Makensy and his "secret agent" Cedric will take themselves down and are "true competito...

Live Feeds - August 12 to 14

 I'm losing interest... damn you BB

Big Brother Watch Party - Sunday August 11th 2024

 The games continue... By request, I will try to live blog the (taped) events!    We're still seeing 60 Minutes on the East Coast and central time zones.  We're waiting to see if Tulsa King follows, as it was supposed to.  We may be watching it on West Coast time...smh... C'mon CBS, wth...

Live Feeds - August 8th to 11th

 Latest happenings...

Big Brother Watch Party - August 8th 2024

 America makes its nomination

Big Brother Watch Party - Wednesday 8/07/2024

 Sorry, I'm late...

Live Feeds - 8/04 to 8/07

 For those that just can't wait...

Big Brother Watch Party - August 4th 2024

 There's a new HOH in town...Cedric. Quinn celebrates being temporarily in 1st place - not a good look Quinn. He keeps dancing during everyone else's run.  Really not a good look, especially since he didn't win.

Big Brother Watch Party - August 1st

 Eviction night! The updates are all about Tucker hating Lisa and Angela bringing drama.  If the Diary Room ever tries to manipulate a vote, I bet they want Angela to stay.  What would they do without her? Angela thinks threatening drama if she leaves will allow her to stay???  She's not only pscho, she's a moron. Angela mocks Lisa's walk.  She's kind of mean in addition to being unbalanced and dramatic.  I thought they did psych evaluations on the houseguests. The houseguests seem to want both Lisa and Angela gone.  Somehow, I don't see the equivalence. Lisa is flaky and you might find her annoying, but she's not a toxic viper who might go off on you at any point and try to blow up your game.   Sometimes, it is helpful to keep a hated houseguest around to deflect attention.  But in the case of Angela, it's like keeping a cocked gun on the coffee table. The AI challenge is a 3-D puzzle game.  All 3 houseguests are making little prog...

Live Feeds - August 1st to August 4th

 More zaniness...